If copy the Ansible host's pub key to those target hosts like: $ ssh user@server "echo "`cat . ansible 命令格式 -f N :每次向N 个主机发送指令 -m 模块名:指定使用的模块名称 ,默认为command模块 -a args :指模块专用的参数 ,args一般是key=value格式 ansible 模块 1. - name: Register ssh. このプラグインは ansible. posix. 1708 (Core) SUMMARY:** I have a set of tasks that removes local users and removes their authorized_keys file using the authorized_key module. Ansible-Playbook: Failed to connect to the host via ssh: no such identity. Playing my configuration using /ryandaniels. It is the default communicator for a majority of builders. cfg in the directory you are running deployment scripts from, and put the next settings: [ssh_connection] ssh_args = -o ForwardAgent=yes. Also, the user should be a sudo user. ansible: using ssh key authentication but asked multiple times for passphrase - why? 1. iptables – Modify iptables rules. authorized_key: user: ansible state: present key: ' { { item }}' with_fileglob: ' { { lookup ("env", "ANSIBLE_SSH_FOLDER") }}/*'. ssh/authorized_keys register:. ssh/authorized_keys. Then edit authorized_keys on the server and paste contents of your clipboard below any other keys in that file: nano ~/. The register variable is a versatile tool in Ansible, allowing you to capture, analyze, and react to the output of tasks, making your playbooks more dynamic and responsive to the environment they are managing. Whether this module should manage the directory of the authorized key file. Ansible `authorized_key` copies the key to remote user but not working when trying to ssh. Share. STEPS TO REPRODUCE. in the following example, you could notice that the task1 and task2 are doing the exact same job of copying the public key from local and adding to the authorized_key on the remote server to enable SSH Key based authentication. I have the following task in my ansible playbook that adds my ssh public key for a remote user pranjal that was already created by a previous task. Install them using ansible-galaxy: $ ansible-galaxy collection install ansible. password not being accepted for sudo user with ansible. using the ansible. task 1 fetches the ssh key from all nodes in order. Instead of the remote system prompting for a. Completely agree with zoredache, use the authorized_key module using the lineinfile is definitely not an ideal choice for updating an authorized_keys file. One issue could be that the ssh private key which is present already can't be access by the user from which ansible playbook is run. debconf – Configure a . ssh/id_rsa. Typically, you can provide these secrets within Ansible playbooks, but doing so exposes them to possible interception and exploitation. To use it in a playbook, specify: amazon. We need to add the. 1. And I'd like to filter only for ssh-ed25591 keys. The module doesn’t contain a name variable at all, presumably to avoid this ambiguity. Next, we will generate a new ssh-key. - name: Set up multiple authorized keys for user bird ansible. 12, use dnf to install 'ansible-core', then use Ansible Galaxy to install the collection 'ansible. FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg":. 3. This has changed drastically between Ansible versions pre-2. Ansible側の作業. Introduction. When doing so, key_options can be left unset and things work. ssh" state: directory become: true become_method: sudo become_user: " { {account}}" Another thing how can i do sudo. I have a ansible playbook which refers to ssh key data for adding the public key to the authorized_host file when it is created, here is an extract. 0. Notifications. 2. authorized_key – SSH 認証キーを追加または削除します. ansible. posix. Community. so, scp it there first, then you cat it and point it to append to the authorized_keys file. I used PuTTY on Windows. yml. mkdir bootstrap-raspberry && cd bootstrap-raspberry. com with the following attributes above. Hosts file [servers] prod_server ansible_host=IP_prod new_server ansible_host=IP_new [servers:vars] ansible_user=sudo_user ansible_sudo_pass=sudo_password. The first step is to create a key pair on the client machine (usually your computer): ssh-keygen. ssh vi ~/. This is part of my ansible playbook. Get started with Ansible by creating an automation project, building an inventory, and creating a “Hello World” playbook. I generate custom key-pair on my ansible host. I hope. Personally I wouldn't use the generate_ssh_key parameter in your user task. ssh/authorized_keys and ~/. windows. Create the administrative group wheels and configure it for passwordless sudo. This is useful if you’re going to want to use. Create a new sudo user. But I get invalid key specified ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME authorized_key ANSIBLE VERSION ansible [core 2. pub" register: key. 3. posix. To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list. If set to true, the module will create the directory, as well as set the owner and permissions of an existing directory. 6, to install the current Ansible 2. Scenario and requirements: I have multiple public ssh-keys stored as . ssh/id_rsa. . Whether this module should manage the directory of the authorized key file. Ansible `authorized_key` copies the key to remote user but not working when trying to ssh. You'll find content for provisioning infrastructure, deploying applications. 1. Multiple keys can be specified in a single key string value by separating them by newlines. user: The username on the remote host whose authorized_keys file will be. This module lets you copy files from your local machine to a remote host. Either allow them to import all their public key, with a with_fileglob loop instead: - name: Install ssh public key ansible. Furthermore, the ssh-copy-id command or Ansible authorized_key module can help to solve. Ansible connects to this server and will validate the identity of the server using the system known_hosts. - name: Set authorized key taken from file ansible. authorized_key: user: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]. Make sure that the ansible user configured in ansble. 10 and later (see its documentation as it must be installed separately with ansible-galaxy). posixSSH gets configured by ~/. In this article, we shall. On 5/11/20 8:53 PM, Joe G wrote: > I couldn't remember but I checked the key and it's in ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 format. Jump-start your automation project with great content from the Ansible community. However I was not able to figure out how can distribute the different keys. If set to yes, the module will create the directory, as well as set the owner and permissions of an existing directory. Then how can I concatenate both tasks in one? You cannot do it, but you can just add become to the second task, which will make it run with the same permissions as the first one: - file: path: " { {home}}/. ssh chmod 600 . Verify that it occupies a single line and save. The problem was the permissions with the server (ssh). Ansible update authorized_keys file. Ensure that server has an option. ssh/known_hosts # add. Pull requests 304. ssh/authorized_keys file containing the public key for the ansible user on all your nodes and set the permissions to the authorized_keys file to only the owner (ansible) having read and write access (permissions 600). 1. Install the ansible passlib package: sudo pip install passlib. Then you can easily call any ansible playbook against the remote machine. Return Values. This module adds a ssh public key in user's authorized_keys file. You can also use a parameter to look in files other than ~/. Hot Network QuestionsTo do so, generate a key on the Ansible machine by running: # ssh-keygen This will generate a new public/private rsa key pair:. In other words: on one hand, user parameter is mandatory, on the other hand, you want to skip it. This combination can configure asymmetric encryption, which means that if anything is encrypted with one of the keys in this. Will create and/or make sure the ssh key on your server will enable ssh connection to central_server_name. If running within a cloud provider, you may need to instead create an ~/. You can enter a new file name when running the ssh-keygen command. d file. ssh/id_rsa. So I think, the only thing you did wrong is the public key file's path. For example by the login shell. You must escape quotes in your shell AND make sure everything is OK on ansible side once received. vault. 1. This can be done by including the hostname or IP Address of the target endpoint in /etc/ansible/hosts. 5 LTS managed host: CentOS Linux release 7. If running within a cloud provider, you might need to instead create an ~/. delegate_to: localhost command: cat {{item}} # Register the results of this task in a variable called # "keys" register: keys with_fileglob: - "public-keys/*. cfg touch hosts // file extension not needed. 04 . Loop the list and use authorized_key to configure authorized_keysI have a file called authorized_keys. name: generate key user: name:. まずはAnsible側で公開鍵と秘密鍵を作成。. New in ansible. at module – Schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command. --. It begins with ssh-rsa followed by a bunch of alphanumeric letters, and ends with rsa-key-20190607. ssh and authorized_keys file, as shown below : chmod 700 . Finally, you call the playbook like this. ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote host anymore. posix collection (バージョン 1. general. I manage serverA with Ansible. pem. How to copy public ssh-keys to a host using ansible. 141. Wrapping up. Now in this example, we will use an Ansible playbook to create a key combination for a user. N/A. subelements for easy linking to the plugin documentation and to avoid. Requirements The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module. The openssh_keypair module uses ssh-keygen to generate keys and the authorized_key module adds and removes SSH authorized keys for particular user accounts. I was facing a related issue: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). READ MORE. Ansible combine lists from variables. 8. Test the new keys and replace the old ones. I solved it by moving the public key of 'user' on localhost to the authorized_key. g. pub key not an invalid key here's what I'm trying. authorized_key モジュールが公開鍵を登録するディレクトリを管理するかどうかを指定する. ssh/my_rsa # make it accessible RUN apt-get -y install openssh-server # install openssh RUN ssh-keyscan my_hostname >> ~/. Multiple keys can be specified in a single key string value by separating them by newlines. The SSH communicator does this by using the SSH protocol. Also, some systems use the file authorized_keys2, so it's a good idea to make a hard link pointing between authorized_keys and authorized_keys2, just in case. Last, you can do much better with ansible. 0. と言ったもののAnsible側で特に何かやる必要は無く、普通に鍵認証が設定されていればOKです。. ssh I'm not sure what to do. 0 Follow this link to see how this can be done. 1 Answer. 4 SUMMARY Ansible 2. ssh/id_rsa. It can be controlled via a user's ~/. There are four methods for performing these tasks: Method 1: Use the EC2 Serial ConsoleIf you want to: loop over users [name] in admins listand for each user add multiple ssh keys [sshkey](I added property names in brackets) You could use 3 ways: Use with_subelements - ansible. I've got an Ansible Collections in my Ansible playbook as follows: - name: Create a profile for the user community. pub For one host I could write: - name: Set authorized key taken from file authorized_key. The ideal solution would:. group and ansible. ssh/my_rsa # copy rsa key RUN chmod 600 /root/. posix. tekneed. Using the parameters below- data|ansible. Lookups occur on the local computer, not on the remote computer. Question 2: the SSH keys What is the best choice: let Ansible use the root user (with its public key saved in ~/. ssh/id_rsa. template module more useful. ansible/collections. azure. posix to update firewall rules and community. To achieve the above, I have different Ansible roles for different types of server (eg. Use the openssh_keypair and authorized_key module to create and deploy the keys at the same time without saving it into your ansible host. 3 Answers Sorted by: 2 From the doc you are pointing to in your question regarding the exclusive option Whether to remove all other non-specified keys from the authorized_keys file. Another way to manage SSH keys in Ansible is to use the copy module. To set this up, you can follow Step 2 of How to Set Up SSH Keys on Ubuntu 20. I need to delete a particular line using an Ansible script. It doesn't make sense for me to not fail if the user account doesn't exist. pub including the beginning "ssh-rsa" until it ends with your email address: cat ~/. Ansible 2. builtin. That is why I had to insert the password "manually". ssh/authorized_keys. SUMMARY. When set to auto this module will match the key format of the installed OpenSSH version. ansible. 9. ssh/authorized_keys of the child node. And now I do not remember whose key is to be on what server. At first glance Ansible seems to connect to a host named 192. authorized_key モジュールが公開鍵を登録するディレクトリを管理するかどうかを指定する. In my use-case I don't know if the user account exists on the target host or not and it should not matter. Notifications. There are a number of other ways it is possible: ansible. However, I'm unsure how to loop through ssh_keys results and use authorized_keys task to add the retrieved keys. ssh/authorized_keys This will append the key you want to use to the pre-existing list of keys. 1246 Downloads. December 21, 2017. Use the following command to generate new key: ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f ~/. ansible iam_user deletion does not work. You can have an Ansible Config file within your project folder which can state which key to use, using the following: private_key_file = /path/to/key/key1. Ansible authorized_key cant find key file. For RHEL 8. 1 answer. As far as ansible is concerned, it has executed the command echo with all of the rest of the line as arguments to echo. Sorted by: 16. Add SSH keys for user "foo" using authorized_key module. g. This is useful if you’re going to want to use the ansible. Secret Management System — Automation Controller User Guide v4. 0) の一部です。. Start automating with Ansible. pub file listed in /home/alice/. yml --ask-pass. 0. Assuming that user "foo" already exists on remote machine and SSH public key has already been created on the local (ansible) host. ssh directory is like: ls . 0. So it actually does not look on the target host but on the controller. 1. authorized_key module. 1. builtin. windows so I can see it at ~/. Inside vagrant box I am running ansible playbook for local machine from /vagrant folder. The first proposition is obviously the easiest. general to manage sudoers files and layer new packages to ostree. yml the variable is readable by debug but ansible will try to connect to the host via root user. If set to yes , the module will create the directory, as well as set the owner and permissions of an existing directory. Adds or removes deploy keys for GitHub repositories. [lisa@drsdev1 ~]$ vi ansible/user. Details in the first comment. Take care to copy the key exactly and paste it into a new line in the editor window. 2. Older versions of Ansible will use the now-deprecated authorized_key. pemIn summary, there are 3x ways to install ansible: For RHEL 8. Strange enough, debug module works, but authorized_key module doesn't work with exactly. I have two servers. posix. SSH host key validation is a meaningful security layer for persistent hosts - if you are connecting to the same machine many times, it's valuable to accept the host key locally. Put the public key of that user to the remote hosts. 1 Answer Sorted by: 1 Ansible is completely over SSH. Using authorized_key module in a playbook to set up SSH key for new users. This user can be either root or a regular user with sudo privileges. The authorized_key module creates the file for the user on the remote machine and sets correct file permissions. If false, the key will only be set if no key with the given name exists. ssh/authorized_keys; create a unprivileged user dedicated for Ansible with sudo access; let the Ansible user to run every commands through sudo specifying a password (which is unique needs to be known by every sysadmin which uses Ansible to control that servers) Most distributions do not create the . Viewed 587 times 1 I want to push a new user's public key to a host invetory using Ansible. ssh directory and the ~/. Only the superuser or a process possessing the CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE capability can set or clear this attribute. posix. ssh/id_rsa. To use it in a playbook, specify: community. authorized_key: user: charlie state: present key: \" {{ lookup('file', '/home/charlie/. The example from the authorized_key documentation that almost works: - name: Set up authorized_keys for the deploy user authorized_key: user=deploy key="{{ item }}" with_file: - public_keys/doe-jane - public_keys/doe-john 1. This lookup plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. pub') }}" Also, note that state=present may not be mandatory, but it is a good practice to keep it. Match the contents of ~/. true ← (default) name. Ansible `authorized_key` copies the key to remote user but not working when trying to ssh. The first task uses the file module and sets the permissions of the . To generate the keys, enter the following command: [server]$ sudo ssh-keygen. . 9 (which is not supported anymore), use dnf to install 'ansible'. Jump-start your automation project with great content from the Ansible community. builtin. 实例: authorized_key: key=" { { lookup ('file', '~/. Step-2: Arrange The Other Machines. Issue Type: Bug Report Ansible Version: ansible 1. authorized_key: user: charlie state: present key: - name. ssh/authorized_keys. EDIT: If I ssh on to the vm as owen (from the box with the ssh private key, that created the vm) then I am able to run sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers and access that file. 管理しない。. That's it, now your local identity is forwarded to the remote servers you manage with Ansible. The AuthorizedKeysFile keyword specifies the file containing public keys for public key authentication. 1. /config/id_rsa_tfSUMMARY After a user account was created by using the modules ansible. I got the same issue, and I solved it this way: --- # Gather the SSH of all hosts and add them to every host in the inventory # to allow passwordless SSH between them - hosts: all tasks: - name: Generate SSH keys shell: ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f /root/. posix'. I've setup the various user's public ssh keys into a publickeys directory which I put in the variable named "sshkey_path". 8k. Is the authorized_key module of ansible, can be used to copy the ssh keys of host to a new remote user? ansible; Share. Here in my answer to "How to include all host keys from all hosts in group" I created a small Ansible look-up module host_ssh_keys to extract public SSH keys from the host inventory. These roles then have variables readonly_key_files and admin_key_files set up against them, listing appropriate key files for the roles which should have readonly and admin access. I have added the following configuration to my inventory file: all: hosts: server1: ansible_host: [email protected] dest_dir: /root sample_tree: sample_tree. So it would look a little something like this. You can also add the private key file: $ ssh-agent bash $ ssh-add ~/. pub would go to mwiapp02 server and vice versa. Packer ansible provisioner does create an SSH key file and try using it, but it fails because the SSH key file is empty. Therefore the message Permission denied (publickey,password) may indicate that OS needs strong SSH-key instead of id_rsa. py","contentType":"file. When I first set up my ssh key auth, I didn't have the ~/. Starting at Ansible 2. OS / ENVIRONMENT. 1. 1 Answer. Improve this question. pub including the beginning "ssh-rsa" until it ends with your email address: cat ~/. If you need to get a file from the target, you will have to use fetch prior to lookup the local copy or slurp the content. You create user on remote host but try to lookup generated key on local host (all lookups in ansible are executed locally). posix. By default, all files are stored in the /home/sysadmin/. 2 Ansible: Create new user and copy ssh-keys from local system. Be sure to set manage_dir=no if you are using an alternate directory for authorized_keys, as set with path , since you could lock yourself out of SSH. To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install amazon. |. --- - name: vms1 - Authorize hosts with pub key. pub) the public key on the Ansible machine then paste it into the. delegate_to: localhost command: cat {{item}} # Register the results of this task in a variable called # "keys" register: keys with_fileglob: - "public-keys/*. Install aptitude, which is preferred by Ansible as an alternative to the apt package manager. 1 Answer. Sorted by: 1. In my use-case I don't know if the user account exists on the target host or not and it should not matter. ssh directory in user's home by default when you create a user. Still, in practical terms this means the user module, and the authorized_key module which is only used on users, refer to users differently. This will be focused in a scenario where you have 5 new ssh keys that we would want to copy to our bastion hosts. Running ansible from a jump box I'm creating a set of users and creating a private/public key pair with the users module. ansible_authorized_keys. Be sure to set manage_dir=no if you are using an alternate. If the context of the file isn't correct, running this as root should fix. py","path":"plugins/modules/__init__. ansible. Ansible update authorized_keys file. posix. apt module’s update_cache option). Just check if the authorized_key files have the necessary keys. When you enter the “ls” command, you will see the “hosts” file. 0. content of . authorized_key - Adds or removes an SSH authorized key — Ansible Documentation. Supports authentication using username and password, username and password and 2-factor authentication code (OTP), OAuth2 token, or personal access token. CONFIGURATION. Install Ansible. authorized_key is for Ansible 2. git module over ssh, for example. ssh folder. pub [email protected] New SSH Public Key to authorized_key; Check SSH Connectivity To EC2 instance Using Newly Added Key; Execute the Uptime command on remote servers; Remove Old SSH Public Key and add New SSH Public Key to authorized_key; Print Old authorized_keys file; Print New authorized_keys file; Rename new SSH Private Key in. replace_keys(target([. Ansible - Push authorized key to multiple host groups with different passwords. You signed in with another tab or window. posix community. authorized_key is for Ansible 2. Now execute this playbook, but to execute this playbook, we need to pass a key in the command line or we can use parameters to ask for the password. Then password less sudo. g. posix. ourdomain. authorized_keys and with_items in Ansible. authorized_key – Adds or removes an SSH authorized key. Ansible側の作業. CONFIGURATION No changes from defaults. 0 Ansible authorized key module unable to read public key.